♢ Gem Show From March 29th - April 11th | All Orders Placed During This Time Will Be Shipped On April 12th ♢

The Rarity & Availability of Opals
Opals are one of the most fascinating types of crystals to be found. However, their rarity and availability could be a diminishing factor in purchasing one. Opals are very rare and the availability of opals are also hard to come across.
One of the primary factors that affects the rarity of opals is their origin. Opals are found in a few parts of the world, but many connect opals with certain areas where immaculate opals are found. For example, Australia makes up 95% of the opal trade but not all Australian opals are created equal, with some regions known for finding and creating more sought after pieces.
Other countries known for finding opals include Mexico, Brazil, Ethiopia, and the United States. The big issue with these countries is that opals are less common than those from Australia, and may not be as easy to find opals as it would be in Australia.
The rarity of opals can also be affected by their type and quality. For example if you were looking for a pristine piece of black opals, it would be much harder to come across one as they are the rarest piece of opal to come across as they are considered to be the most valuable type of opal due to their black background giving the color something to jump off of. White opals, on the other hand, are more common and less valuable.The quality of opals vary as some will be more bright than others and may have a more distinct pattern to them as well giving them more rarity increasing their value.
Opals are also considered to be an unstable crystal, with the tendency to crack or break if subjected to the wrong environments or harsh conditions. This can make them much harder to mine and cut, further contributing to their rarity and value.
In recent years, the availability of opals has become more regulated due to environmental factors. For example, in Australia, opal mining is heavily regulated to protect the fragile ecosystem of the opal fields. This has decreased in the amount of opals available for mining and an increase in value and their scarcity rises.While opals are not necessarily the rarest gemstone in the world, their availability can be affected by a variety of factors making this opal becoming more rare as they come.